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Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing

Product code: PROD-LNB

Nickel heavy duty locators offer the option of a mechanical fixing to the sign which will ensure a reliable fixing for years, particularly when mounting heavier or larger than usual panels or displays. Easy to remove and refit for periodic... Read more

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Medium socket:
Length                       9.5mm
Socket width              11mm
Stud base diameter    11mm
Internal thread           M8
Overall stand-off        13.5mm

Large socket:
Length                       11mm
Socket width              15mm
Stud base diameter    15mm
Internal thread           M10
Overall stand-off         13.5mm

Quantity Pricing
Product Code Description Qty Price ex. VAT
LNBL1 Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Large-Each 1+ £0.90
LNBL100 Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Large-Pack of 100 1+ £69.00
LNBM1 Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Medium-Each 1+ £0.75
LNBM100 Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Medium-Pack of 100 1+ £44.00
Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Medium-Each
Height (mm)13
Length (mm)11
Width (mm)11
Weight (kgs)0.01
Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Medium-Pack of 100
Height (mm)13
Length (mm)11
Width (mm)11
Weight (kgs)0.95
Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Large-Each
Height (mm)17
Length (mm)12
Width (mm)12
Weight (kgs)0.01
Nickel Locators Type B - Glue Fixing-Large-Pack of 100
Height (mm)17
Length (mm)12
Width (mm)12
Weight (kgs)1.47
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