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3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners

Product code: PROD-3MDL

3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners solves attachment issues without the use of special tools or complicated, mechanical fastening systems - offering five times the closure strength of traditional hook and loop fasteners. It can open... Read more

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3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners 25mm x 2.5m - Clear
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners 25mm x 2.5m - Clear Product Code: 3MDLCLEAR
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners 25mm x 2.5m - Black
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners 25mm x 2.5m - Black Product Code: 3MDLBLACK
£24.00 £20.00
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  • - Fast, simple attachment 
  • - Five times stronger than traditional hook and loop fasteners
  • - Can open and close 1000 times before losing its strength
  • - Suitable for use internally and externally 
  • - Acrylic adhesive that bonds well to a variety of high and medium surface energy materials, including some plastics, metal, glass, and painted surfaces
  • - Temperature performance ranging from -30 °C to 70 °C long-term (+95 °C short-term)
  • - Clear or black
  • - 25mm wide x 2.5m long

(Don't forget you need double your required length as it works as both hook and loop by attaching to itself! This roll is enough to attach 1.25m in total)

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